Sunday 22 July 2012


so ive been binging for the past week, i feel disguesting and im about 150% sure ive gain weight, however ive made a deal with myself. im not going to binge until  i start school again, and ive got a new diet plan, here are the rules.

  1. the calorie in take must be under 300 and all my meals have to be before 12 noon. with the exception of saturday where my meals are spread thoughout the day and sunday where i fast for the day.
  2. im going to workout daily, everyother day im going to dance and im going to do toning excirses daily but aiming for different parts of my body on  different days, im also going to do half an hour of yoga a day and runing for 40 mins a day.
  3. im not allow to eat anything other than: fruits, veggies, qourn, branflakes, skimmed milk and whole grain pasta.
  4. im not allowed to eat anthing other than that unless forced to in which you will have to burn the calories consumed.
  5. im also going to be weighing myself every monday and taking update pictures.


Friday 29 June 2012


this always happens to me every now and then, i eat alittle too much and i feel like ive binged and failed. nevertheless i always find that its never too late to make up for it, for instance today i over ate, i felt like shit, however i go back up and workedout more to burn the extra calories. there is nothing you cant turn around.

Saturday 16 June 2012

Binge day problems

although i was pleased to have a binge day yesterday, i didnt really enjoy it that much for many reasons one; i got full  up way too easily that i couldnt really eat as much as i wanted. two; once i was full i coundnt help but purge. and three; i found that full feeling soo uncomfortable and even painful. so in future refrences i need to remember that on binge days im allowed to eat WHAT i want not AS MUCH as i want if i really wanna enjoy myself! 

Monday 11 June 2012

Dont Let Them Get You Down

whenever i try to loose weight it always gets to this point, where it feels like everyones attacking me, they try to stop me before i can any of the real weightloss.
i've always let them get to me in the past but not this time, this time im going to stand back up because i know i can be strong. before ive let them put me off completely of  reaching my goal, im not going to let them hurt again, i dont need fucking blind fools so who cares what they say, im not blind this time, im not going to let them make me weak! because i CAN be STRONG!
i will prove them wrong, i will be THIN.

Friday 8 June 2012


i have found my perfect swim suit for my holiday to cyprus in august.

its super cute and sweet and looks good on pale skin :)
however as you can see it only looks good if your really skinny so im planning on buying this soon so i can hand it up in my room and remind myself of where i want to be :)

Wednesday 6 June 2012

The Couch Workout.

Sofa Squat
What it works : Your butt and thighs.
Sit on the edge of the couch with your feet hi-width apart, knees aligned directly over ankles. Stand, place hands on hips, then bend knees and squat down to sit on the couch, but let your butt only tap the edge as shown : Return to standing. Do two sets of 15 reps.

Cushion Crunch
What it works : Your abs and oblique’s.
Lie on the couch and straighten your legs : extend your arms overhead by your ears. Life your left leg toward the ceiling , keeping it straight, as you lift your shoulders off the couch and reach both hands for left toes, as shown : pause , then lower to start. Do 15 reps , switch legs and repeat. Do two sets.

Split Lunge
What is works : Your thighs and calves.
Stand in front of the couch: extend your left leg back , resting ball of the foot on the couch , hands on your hips. Bend your right knee 90 degrees, as shown (don’t let your knee go past your toes) : press through heel and return to start. Do 15 reps, switch legs and repeat. Do two sets.

Incline Push-up
What it works : Your chest , arms and shoulders.
Place your hands shoulder width apart on the edge or arms of the couch : walk a feet back so your legs are straight and you’re up on your toes. Bend your elbows and lower chest toward the couch , as show : push back up. Do as many as you can with abs pulled in and hips aligned. Test and repeat.

Remote Rear Fly
What is works : Your back and shoulders.
Lie facedown on the couch, left arm off the edge and extend toward the floor, holding the remote or a light weight item as shown. Raise the remote up and out to shoulder height, squeezing shoulder blades together: pause , lower to start. Do 15 reps, switch sides and repeat. Do two sets.

Monday 4 June 2012

How To Get A Gap Between Your Thighs!

Squats will work out all of your legs. But only do a few so you can just tone and not gain muscle because that could make your legs look more bulky.

Seated leg raise. Sit down on a char and lift your legs hold for 30 seconds.
Lay flat on your and lift your legs up in the air at about a 30 or 40 degree angle and just hold it.

Wall squats. Squat on the wall in a sitting down position so it looks like your sitting in a chair and tighten your abs and hold it for a really long time.

Jumping squats. Get into a squatting position and jump and reach your arms up like your buzz light year and then when you get back down to the floor go into a squat position.

Run! Running is super good for your whole entire body so do that everyday and you can have really nice legs.

Do a flamingo balance. It really works. Go into a forward lunge position but lift you back leg off the floor.

Do a single leg circle. Lay on the floor and point one leg up to the ceiling. Rotate it around in a small circle. Then switch legs.

Do some lunges. Just lunge forward and keep your back straight. Do it for each leg.

Toe squat. Squat down on your tippy does and tilt your back forward reaching with your hands straight up over your feet and try to keep balance.

If you want to look proportional work out your calf muscles by being flat on your foot then go up to your tippy toes about 50 times.

Also to work out your whole legs jump rope on your tippy toes.

Getting a flat stomach for summer♥.

1. Get salt out of your food.
Salty food isn't healthy, plus it's not good for your body shape. It stimulates gathering water and leads to cellulite. For next few weeks, try to take down the amount of salt to minimum, and if you need your food to be more tasty or spicy, add a bit of pepper or aromatic plants.

2. 50 sit-ups.
It's impossible to get rid of the fat without exercises, but if you are not a sports type, set up some realistic goals you will be able to keep up with. Make 50 sit-ups every day and when you have extra time, add some waist exercises and spreading out.

3. Cardio exercises.
You get rid of fat the best with cardio exercises, so it would be good to run for at least 2 times a week, dance or do aerobic exercises.

4. Forget about soda.
Soda is one of main enemies of your belly and it's because it gives you fullness and brings useless calories to your menu. i pesonally dont like fizzy drinks, i quit drinking them a few years ago because i was obsessed with them and when i decided to drink them again i actually didnt like them, like any of them lol. however if you do like soda/fizzy drinks, switch soda with water and natural juices, starting today!

5. Tea with no extra sugar.
Some kind of tea, like yellow and green, helps you get liquid out of your body so it would be good to drink at least 2-3 cups a day. You can cool the tea with no added sugar and put it in a bottle and drink it during the day. i also quit putting sugars in any of my drinks a few years ago and found it horrible at first but with time i actually came to love the taste of coffee or tea on its own :)

6. Body posture.
Keeping your back straight will not only make your stomach look flatter, but your whole body. If you don't have the habit of keeping your back straight, start exercising thing i do is when im watchingtv or something that doesnt include using my hands i hold a rolling pin against my back with the inside of my elbows :)

Celullite Treatment

Yes i do have cellulite. i've had it since i was probs 9 or 10 and suffered from serious streach marks all over my body before that. as i grew up this became worse as i started gaining alot of weight, so much that by the age of 13 i weighed nearly 13 stones. then form that year to the next i lost a huge amount of weight as i fell into a long term depresion and i ended up weighing 8 stones and a half. then after the weight loss, i made new friends to whom weight wasnt an issue and as i came out of depression i thought that eating meant that i was happy which actually lead for me to gain most of the weight back throughout the couse of 2 years and a half. this up and down weight gain and weight loss left me with really bad skin, alot of celulite and even more streach mearks.

however, ive never treated them so this time im trying something new. im going to use some affordable treatmeant which as had some pretty good reviews. now im not expectiong my cellulite to go away but iam homping for improvements.

i will be using 1; NIVIA Good-bye Cellulite Serum.

2; NIVIA Good-bye Cellulite Gel-Cream.
3; NIVIA Firming Body Oil.

4; NIVIA Rich Firming Body Moisturiser

Monday 28 May 2012


that feeling you get when all the want and need of reaching your goal just flys out of the window. well i had that feeling today, no matter from what angle i looked at it i just didnt feel pretty or happy, i was even on my way to a serious binge but i stoped. i am very aware that that feeling can sometimes be the worst but if you fight it then its all you really need to open your eyes again and stay on track. so all really need to be conscious of is that this feeling is gonna come and go many times on this journy and all you need to do is just stand back up whenever you hit that low because everytime your going to be coming out stronger!
WEEK FOUR  - weight: 10st 13lbs/ 69kg/ 153lbs


Wednesday 16 May 2012


so i've decided that i will allow myself a binge day every fortnight so that way im not pushing myself too much. also this is also for events and birthdays where i can let my hair down and not worry. ofcourse i have to remember not to go over board and eat everything i see lol xp

Monday 7 May 2012

Baby Steps

week one is over and its the start of week two. this was my frist baby step to getting were i want to be and although it was small i am very proud of it. i feel good and i cant to start losing the real weight! xx

Friday 4 May 2012

just breathe. slow, eyes closed. breathe and it will all go away.
i've learned that for a long time now that this doesnt work, nor will it ever work, at least not for me. i cant make things disappeare and appeare when i want them to. things need time for change not a night or a day, you want change then you want it forever.
something is creeping over me and i dont know if its a good or bad. i know i wont know that until its over, but maybe thats the beauty of it. i need to be alone. look at myself in the mirror and not forget what i see. i feel as if i were crying but no tears come out.

Thursday 3 May 2012

It Takes A Real Someone To Be Thin


these are going to be the tips i will go by every single day. i will use these tips so much that i will eventually know them off by heart and order too.

1. GREEN TEA. peppermint , ginger or just plain green tea will work miracles for  you. it has the power to cleans your body and mind and its one of the main foods that speed up your metabloism.
2. THE ELASTIC BAND. this will be your new best friend. always wear it and whenever you feel like eating something you shouldnt, flick it :)
3. DRINK WATER. make sure that you have consumed at least 2 litres of water by the end of the day.
4. KEEP ACTIVE. you must never stop moving, that way your burning as many calories as possible. you dont have to do big jobs just small things like making your bed in the morning, or walking instead of taking the bus.
5. COLD IS GOLD. eating ice cubes or drink really cold water will boost your metabolism.
6.SLEEP. try to get as much sleep as possible, maybe aim for 8-10 hours a night, naps are also good but only if you haven't eaten for atleast 3 hours. this is because if you sleep after you eat you wont be burning any cals and the food is most likely to turn into fat.
7. FIST SIZE PORTIONS. never eat anything bigger than your fist. think of your fist as your stomach, you dont want to stretch it.
8. SIT UP STRAIGHT. having a good posture will not only make you look good but i will help you burn at least 10% more calories.
9. USE THE LEFT HAND. when eating always make sure your using the opposite hand, in my case, my left hand. this will slow you down and make you full faster. also make sure you chew each bite at least 10 times before swallowing.
10. GUM. chew sugar-free gum. it will help relieve cravings and keep your mouth busy.
11. ALMONDS. try eating 8 almonds a day to boost your metabolism.
12. COFFEE. it give you a boost of energy and for fills cravings.
13. COUNT TO 100. before eating anything fatty or going on a binge, stop, close your eyes breath slowly and count to 100. by the time your finished youve hopefully gained control and wont even feel like eating it.
14. BRUSH TEETH. brushing your teeth frequently will put you off eating anything because of the taste meaning your less likely to snack.
15 VITINIMS. do not forget about these, they will keep you alive!
16. DON'T TELL. personally i find that one of the biggest mistakes that i do is telling people about my diet. im not sure why but it is most defiantly distracting.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

i have a serious problem. i struggle like a bitch with routine. i always get off to a good start but slip up sooner or later and then it all just goes to shits. so im going to try out a plan and hope i can actually stick to it. 


for school days 
6:30 - 7:00, wake up and get ready 
7:00, eat breakfast
7:30, beauty
8:00, leave for school 
8:30 - 4:00, school 
4:00, clean 
5:00, eat lunch 
6:00, do homework 
7:00, revise
8:00, exercise
9:00, your time xxx

for non school days
8:00, wake up 
8:30, breakfast
9:00, beauty
9:30, clean 
12:00, revise
2:00, your time xxx
5:00, eat lunch 
6:00, do homework
7:00, revise
8:00, exercise
9:00, your time xxx

Monday 30 April 2012

WEEK ONE - weight: 11st 7lbs/ 73kg/ 160.9lbs
my goal

this was me and this is where i wanna be.
i wish i could go back in time and tell myself that this is happiness to me. i wish i could tell myself that i was all i needed and that i had done this for my self.

i wish i could have told myself that it was not okay to eat, and that eating did not mean that i was happy. i never hated my body, i hated everyone who was too blind to appreciate me! the people who never saw past my smile to see the broken little girl who was slowly slipping. and the one person who did open their arms to me and never accepted because i just didnt know how to.
this time i wont get there because i want a boy who i wasnt good enough for, not because i was too sad to eat and not because of depression.
i will get there for me.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Who i am and what i want.

i am a nobody.
its the sad reality of my life, i have grown up dieting. ive hated myself and my body for as long as i can remember. im tired of being who i am. i wanna be beautiful.
im not ugly, i have a pretty face i just ruin myself with a disgusting body. i know i can be strong enough and that i can do this, i just need something to keep me going, some motivation to keep my goals in mind and for once put myself first.

so hears my starting point.

this is what i look like right now. it makes me feel sick. i dont know why i do this to myself.
i dont want this anymore so im going to change this once and for all.
i know that there are going to be bumps along the road but i must not give up or give in.