Monday 4 June 2012

Celullite Treatment

Yes i do have cellulite. i've had it since i was probs 9 or 10 and suffered from serious streach marks all over my body before that. as i grew up this became worse as i started gaining alot of weight, so much that by the age of 13 i weighed nearly 13 stones. then form that year to the next i lost a huge amount of weight as i fell into a long term depresion and i ended up weighing 8 stones and a half. then after the weight loss, i made new friends to whom weight wasnt an issue and as i came out of depression i thought that eating meant that i was happy which actually lead for me to gain most of the weight back throughout the couse of 2 years and a half. this up and down weight gain and weight loss left me with really bad skin, alot of celulite and even more streach mearks.

however, ive never treated them so this time im trying something new. im going to use some affordable treatmeant which as had some pretty good reviews. now im not expectiong my cellulite to go away but iam homping for improvements.

i will be using 1; NIVIA Good-bye Cellulite Serum.

2; NIVIA Good-bye Cellulite Gel-Cream.
3; NIVIA Firming Body Oil.

4; NIVIA Rich Firming Body Moisturiser

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