Monday 28 May 2012


that feeling you get when all the want and need of reaching your goal just flys out of the window. well i had that feeling today, no matter from what angle i looked at it i just didnt feel pretty or happy, i was even on my way to a serious binge but i stoped. i am very aware that that feeling can sometimes be the worst but if you fight it then its all you really need to open your eyes again and stay on track. so all really need to be conscious of is that this feeling is gonna come and go many times on this journy and all you need to do is just stand back up whenever you hit that low because everytime your going to be coming out stronger!
WEEK FOUR  - weight: 10st 13lbs/ 69kg/ 153lbs


Wednesday 16 May 2012


so i've decided that i will allow myself a binge day every fortnight so that way im not pushing myself too much. also this is also for events and birthdays where i can let my hair down and not worry. ofcourse i have to remember not to go over board and eat everything i see lol xp

Monday 7 May 2012

Baby Steps

week one is over and its the start of week two. this was my frist baby step to getting were i want to be and although it was small i am very proud of it. i feel good and i cant to start losing the real weight! xx

Friday 4 May 2012

just breathe. slow, eyes closed. breathe and it will all go away.
i've learned that for a long time now that this doesnt work, nor will it ever work, at least not for me. i cant make things disappeare and appeare when i want them to. things need time for change not a night or a day, you want change then you want it forever.
something is creeping over me and i dont know if its a good or bad. i know i wont know that until its over, but maybe thats the beauty of it. i need to be alone. look at myself in the mirror and not forget what i see. i feel as if i were crying but no tears come out.

Thursday 3 May 2012

It Takes A Real Someone To Be Thin


these are going to be the tips i will go by every single day. i will use these tips so much that i will eventually know them off by heart and order too.

1. GREEN TEA. peppermint , ginger or just plain green tea will work miracles for  you. it has the power to cleans your body and mind and its one of the main foods that speed up your metabloism.
2. THE ELASTIC BAND. this will be your new best friend. always wear it and whenever you feel like eating something you shouldnt, flick it :)
3. DRINK WATER. make sure that you have consumed at least 2 litres of water by the end of the day.
4. KEEP ACTIVE. you must never stop moving, that way your burning as many calories as possible. you dont have to do big jobs just small things like making your bed in the morning, or walking instead of taking the bus.
5. COLD IS GOLD. eating ice cubes or drink really cold water will boost your metabolism.
6.SLEEP. try to get as much sleep as possible, maybe aim for 8-10 hours a night, naps are also good but only if you haven't eaten for atleast 3 hours. this is because if you sleep after you eat you wont be burning any cals and the food is most likely to turn into fat.
7. FIST SIZE PORTIONS. never eat anything bigger than your fist. think of your fist as your stomach, you dont want to stretch it.
8. SIT UP STRAIGHT. having a good posture will not only make you look good but i will help you burn at least 10% more calories.
9. USE THE LEFT HAND. when eating always make sure your using the opposite hand, in my case, my left hand. this will slow you down and make you full faster. also make sure you chew each bite at least 10 times before swallowing.
10. GUM. chew sugar-free gum. it will help relieve cravings and keep your mouth busy.
11. ALMONDS. try eating 8 almonds a day to boost your metabolism.
12. COFFEE. it give you a boost of energy and for fills cravings.
13. COUNT TO 100. before eating anything fatty or going on a binge, stop, close your eyes breath slowly and count to 100. by the time your finished youve hopefully gained control and wont even feel like eating it.
14. BRUSH TEETH. brushing your teeth frequently will put you off eating anything because of the taste meaning your less likely to snack.
15 VITINIMS. do not forget about these, they will keep you alive!
16. DON'T TELL. personally i find that one of the biggest mistakes that i do is telling people about my diet. im not sure why but it is most defiantly distracting.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

i have a serious problem. i struggle like a bitch with routine. i always get off to a good start but slip up sooner or later and then it all just goes to shits. so im going to try out a plan and hope i can actually stick to it. 


for school days 
6:30 - 7:00, wake up and get ready 
7:00, eat breakfast
7:30, beauty
8:00, leave for school 
8:30 - 4:00, school 
4:00, clean 
5:00, eat lunch 
6:00, do homework 
7:00, revise
8:00, exercise
9:00, your time xxx

for non school days
8:00, wake up 
8:30, breakfast
9:00, beauty
9:30, clean 
12:00, revise
2:00, your time xxx
5:00, eat lunch 
6:00, do homework
7:00, revise
8:00, exercise
9:00, your time xxx