Sunday 22 July 2012


so ive been binging for the past week, i feel disguesting and im about 150% sure ive gain weight, however ive made a deal with myself. im not going to binge until  i start school again, and ive got a new diet plan, here are the rules.

  1. the calorie in take must be under 300 and all my meals have to be before 12 noon. with the exception of saturday where my meals are spread thoughout the day and sunday where i fast for the day.
  2. im going to workout daily, everyother day im going to dance and im going to do toning excirses daily but aiming for different parts of my body on  different days, im also going to do half an hour of yoga a day and runing for 40 mins a day.
  3. im not allow to eat anything other than: fruits, veggies, qourn, branflakes, skimmed milk and whole grain pasta.
  4. im not allowed to eat anthing other than that unless forced to in which you will have to burn the calories consumed.
  5. im also going to be weighing myself every monday and taking update pictures.


Friday 29 June 2012


this always happens to me every now and then, i eat alittle too much and i feel like ive binged and failed. nevertheless i always find that its never too late to make up for it, for instance today i over ate, i felt like shit, however i go back up and workedout more to burn the extra calories. there is nothing you cant turn around.

Saturday 16 June 2012

Binge day problems

although i was pleased to have a binge day yesterday, i didnt really enjoy it that much for many reasons one; i got full  up way too easily that i couldnt really eat as much as i wanted. two; once i was full i coundnt help but purge. and three; i found that full feeling soo uncomfortable and even painful. so in future refrences i need to remember that on binge days im allowed to eat WHAT i want not AS MUCH as i want if i really wanna enjoy myself! 

Monday 11 June 2012

Dont Let Them Get You Down

whenever i try to loose weight it always gets to this point, where it feels like everyones attacking me, they try to stop me before i can any of the real weightloss.
i've always let them get to me in the past but not this time, this time im going to stand back up because i know i can be strong. before ive let them put me off completely of  reaching my goal, im not going to let them hurt again, i dont need fucking blind fools so who cares what they say, im not blind this time, im not going to let them make me weak! because i CAN be STRONG!
i will prove them wrong, i will be THIN.